Pure Spices

Do you remember the little round masala box in your grandma’s kitchen? The one full to the brim with an array of brightly coloured spices sitting ever so neatly in their tins? Quietly and unknowingly, this little box of spices that is the soul of the Indian cuisine became essential to us through our everyday meals. Be it the warm haldi-milk that our mother would make when we fell sick or the smell of a spicy dal that would fill up the room as we peered into our tiffin boxes at lunchtime- spices are almost inseperable from our way of life. Spices also happen to be just as inseperable from us, as many of our oldest customers have been fondly calling us “Bedekar Masalewale” for many decades. Since we first started manufacturing spices in 1917, our product range has grown into 9 varieties of pure spices made from only the best of ingredients. We hope our bright, joyful spice-packets can continue to fill many homes with laughter and many bellies with homely food.